
Information technology has trended towards a union of minds.

Spiritual teachers throughout the ages have spoken how all is one, how all consciousness is one. Perhaps technology is showing us this? Or perhaps it is an attempt to imitate what is natural? I don't know, but I intend to use my mind to harmonize with nature, rather than treat it as an enemy, and as such get closer to nature, and closer to other conscious beings. After all, there is nothing that is not nature.

The first information technology I am aware of is language. Throughout recorded history, information technology has advanced from the very primitive to what we now consider advanced.

  • Body language, sounds, smells,
  • Spoken language
  • Written language
  • Printing
  • Broadcasting
    • Radio
    • TV
    • Twitter
  • Telegraph
  • Telephone
  • Internet

This trend is towards increasing interconnectedness, where each mind communicates with the others as equals. Broadcasting technology, such as the printing press, or television are manifestations of a "few to many" information flow, where a few minds do much of the thinking, and share these thoughts with those whole choose to listen. This is very apparent in the fact that many people look to leaders, whether politicians, celebrities, or experts for guidance, rather than looking inward, and thinking for themselves, or looking laterally to peers.

Collective Top-Down System, or Collaborating Independent peers

At each stage of increasing complexity of communication, people intending to wield power have found ways to use this information technology to share intentions, and those wishing to submit to power, have found a way to do so.

I see an enlightened world where no one man has a monopoly on power and control, and where each locus of consciousness knows itself, and directs itself towards its own best vision of the greatest good, doing no harm, and interacting with other minds as peers, and not as people to be controlled or to submit to.

As we enter an era with technology that makes physical distance less constraining, and allows almost any mind to touch any other mind over great physical distance, we have an opportunity to learn from almost anyone.

However, if each person participating in the global conversation is not strong, and grounded (see Do Inner work and share), we will simply replicate similar power structures that have existed through time, and once again look to experts and leaders to do our thinking.

Technology can enable everyone to share the lessons they have learned through collective billions of years of experience to accelerate the learning process, or it can be a way to stay in a paradigm, where we depend on a few leaders. The choice is ours.

Technology can allow us to share designs and plans for machines that raise our experience to a level of true prosperity where the morally sound desires and intentions of every being can be fulfilled.

Enlightened Engineering

If we are not careful however, we can simply plug ourselves into an even more effective matrix of control, and become further detached from what is real.

Enlightened engineering is the name I give to the practice of sculpting reality with enlightened intent. If we recognize we are not separate from nature, but are nature, and are connected, we can then maximize our individual enjoyment, and that of all other beings.

Working like this involves building machines that harmonize with existing natural processes and increase thriving.

It is natural to share all design files and documentation needed to build a particular "thing", guided by the knowing that information is not diminished by sharing.

Great Global Graph

Recognizing the interconnectedness of everything, we can build computer systems that mirror this physical reality. The internet and "World Wide Web", are the beginnings of this. As we get more familiar with this topology of information flow, our consciousness itself shifts, and how we use the technology shifts.

The Great Global Graph is a tentative named I've coined for a foundation technology that can be used to build better connected technology owned by the people that use it (as opposed to top-down corporate control).

The Great Global Graph philosophically rests on a few principles:

  1. Each conscious being controls his or her own information fully
  2. Information can be shared with other entities if they agree to it
  3. The technology will be open to all
  4. We are all connected

In technical terms, the Great Global Graph is a distributed data structure, where each peer stores information locally, structured in a private data structure, and selectively maintains relationships to other private data structures.

The Great Global Graph may replace many exist "internet" technologies, such as email, instant messaging, web hosting, exchange, collaboration and more.

People who use it do so because they wish to exchange value with others honorably. It is not something that can be "monetized", or easily exploited, just as it's difficult to have a monopoly on electricity. Once we know how it works, we can all use it. At the same time, nothing about prevents any type of exchange. The core technology however does make money for anyone, but simply serves as the fabric/web/graph that people use to exchange information and value through.

Great Global Graph

Echange Value

Rather than participating in an economy using fiat currency, we can directly exchange value, instead of a one-dimensional measure of value. As people Do Inner work and share, they will begin to know what their true desires are, and be able to answer the questions: what do I wish to give?, and what do I wish to receive?

There may may always be the need to measure value, as we do know with money, and as we evolve, our techniques of measuring tokens of value will evolve to match our way of interacting.


With an open way to exchange information with the Great Global Graph, and a strong foundation in law, we can build a system for facilitating the exchange of value. The Great Global Graph can be used as a mechanism to match the person who creates something to the person who values it.

This starts as simple as matching fresh eggs with someone wishing to make an omelette. It progresses all the way to arranging the thousands of exchanges needed to build a family home, or even building a handheld computer.

Recipes for Reality

Once we have a private resilient method to share information, the Great Global Graph, and are exchanging value for value using the Graph as a foundational technology that enables these exchanges to happen we can dream bigger than exchanging eggs. The design for everything can be described using a graph data structure. Not only the rough design, but the CAD files, the assembly steps, tolerances allowed on components, and even acceptable vendors, or criteria for selecting components. As recipes are perfected, people can share them with peers using Great Global Graph Technology. Another peer can download a recipe, and then "ask" the graph for the result of this recipe, and a computer program find different ways to make the recipe, by trading some value owned by the peer with other peers.

These recipes will allow "advanced barter", and a "distributed supply web" where each peer can either offer raw materials, or processing steps, and recipes will be used to ask the "supply web" to fulfill certain needs in exchange for value. The computer programs will find out how to select different peers for each step in the process, with as much or as little human supervision as desired.

See Build System for physical systems

Talking Points

These are notes for Isaac to remember the progression of ideas to tell this story

  • Remember that we can give and receive value.
  • Giving and receiving unites people
  • The great global graph mirrors natural interactions of peers
  • We can directly share value if we can directly interact with peers
  • Technology then follows nature, rather than attempting to go against nature