Real World

For all content on this site, I define "Real World" as the tangible, physical world I experience every day. Although I don't really know What is True, I do know that I have an experience of living in a physical body in a physical world, with certain laws of physics, somewhat predictable weather, days and nights, familiar plants, animals, cities, people etc.

This real world can be contrasted with several "imaginary" worlds.

  1. The digital internet world
  2. The legal world
  3. Fictional worlds in stories

Relationship between the Real World and the Great Global Graph

Much of this site is dedicated to the idea of building a Great Global Graph of knowledge, and interacting as peers and doing Value Based Exchange. In this context, the contrast is important, as there are entities or agents that exist solely within the rules of the computer system. However, since we as conscious men and women cannot (currently) live inside of computers, there needs to be a bridge between the Real World and the digital world.

The Etherium blockchain defines the concept of an Oracle, as follows:

Oracles are data feeds that connect Ethereum to off-chain, real-world information so that you can query data in your smart contracts. For example, prediction market dapps use oracles to settle payments based on events.

In the Great Global Graph, any type of agent can serve as an oracle. It is up to other agents to determine whether to trust a given agent or not.